
Current and former students and postdocs.



In the spring of 2023 Azade moved to the lab of Morgan Craig at UdM.

Fatemeh Beigh Mohammadi or, as she was commonly called, Azade, worked with Jane Breen and myself on the dynamics of clustered Markov chains. We are currently writing up a paper on the modelling of EEG dynamics using such networks.


Driss Yakoubi is now a professor at the Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci in Paris.

Driss worked with me through the Fields Institute in the context of a theme program on computational physics that I co-organised. At the time, he was lecturing at the university of Laval.


Nicolas Périnet

moved to the University of Chile in 2013 and seems to have settled there.

Nicolas worked with Greg Lewis and myself on invariant solutions on differentially heated, rotating flow.



Başak Çakmak is a PhD student in the MCSC program at Ontario Tech.

Başak is investigating the stablity of Burgers vortex flows to finite-sized perturbations. This is a joint project with Greg Lewis (Ontario Tech) and Andrew Hazel (Manchester). Başak is currently preparing for her candidacy exam and also for her presentation at the CAIMS annual meeting.


Eric Ng is currenly working for RBC and

part-time PhD student in the MCSC program at Ontario Tech.

Eric worked with Yan Fossat of Klick labs and myself on the extraction of biomarkers for type-2 diabetes from data obtained from Continuous Glucose Monitors. Just before his candidacy exam came up, he was offered a job at RBC, one of the bigger banks in Canada, and could not refuse. The second half of his PhD research will be somewhat delayed, but we are working on a re-analysis of the trial data that focuses more on dynamics and less on statistics.


Kevin Green defended his thesis in 2015. Last known coordinates: staff scientist at Global Water Futures in Saskatoon.

Kevin worked on the simulation and bifurcation analysis of mean-field EEG models. He spent a few months in France to work with Axel Hutt.


Ivanky Saputra is currently Department Chair at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ivanky worked with Prof. Quispel and myself at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, back when I was a postdoc and lecturer there. His thesis concerns the identification of conserved quantities and foliations in predator-prey type ODE models. We also studied subtle degeneracies of bifurcations in systems with such special structure.



Cora McFarlane is an MSc student in the MCSC program at Ontario Tech.

Cora graduated form our Applied and Industrial Math program and is now working on the energy balance of bike racing. A cool problem that I had never given a second’s thought to. She is expected to finish her MSc in the summer of 2025.


Jaycee Morgan Kaufman is now staff scientist at Klick Labs.

Jaycee worked on the same project as Eric, the extraction on biomarkers for type-2 diabetes from CGM data. After co-authoring several patents and papers, she was offered a job by our partner, Klick Health, before she had written her thesis. We made it work, and will be on the same team again soon when we investigate data from voice recordings.


Andree Qi is now administrator at a private college in Toronto.

Andree worked with Luciano Buono (UQ Rimouski) and myself on the modelling of collective motion in two spatial dimensions. We used non-local partial differential equations and Andree spent a lot of time and energy on writing and testing a simulation code in Python/NumPy.


Derick Smith is now PhD student with Greg Lewis in the MCSC program.

Derick looked into the constrained optimization problems that arise when upgrading the electricity network. Such problems are arising more and more as we shift to electric vehicles and demand grows, but much more at certain times and locations than at others.


Wenyue Yang joined an Aerospace Engineering company after graduating.

Wenyue studied several simplified models of cardiac arrhythmia. In particular, we were interested in the bifurcation scenarios that lead from a regular to an irregular heart beat. Since even the simple models are highly nonlinear and have several parameters, Wenyue automated the bifurcation analysis, which required stitching together Fortran (AUTO), Python and Bash scripts. We greatly benefited from our discussions with Elizabeth Cherry, now at Georgia Tech.


Eryn Frawley wrote her actuarial exams while studying at Ontario Tech and is now a consultant with Telus Health One.

Eryn completed both her BSc and MSc degree in the Ontario Tech Math and MCSC groups. Her thesis is about the extension of non-local models of animal aggregation from one to two spatial dimensions.


Behzad Nikzad worked at a series of data science and AI-related startups and is now with Tempered AI.

Behzad worked on the global bifurcation analysis of a number of low-order models for shear flow.


Mitchell Kovacic moved to SFU for his PhD with Razvan Fetecau and JF Williams which he finished in 2018.

Mitchell worked on equivariant bifurcation theory applied to models of animal aggregation in one spatial dimension. This was the first in a series of joint projects with Luciano Buono, now in Rimouski.


Alex went into DevOps after graduating and now works for Xerox.

Alex worked with Dhavide Aruliah, now at Quansight, and myself on the parallel optimization of arclength continuation. The resulting algorithm, PAMPAC, is available throught the ACM library.


Loukia moved first to Barcelona, then Paris, to work for NGOs

Loukia graduated at Concordia University after I moved to Ontario Tech. She worked on the numerical and exact bifurcation analysis of a simple, local EEG model.

Undergrads of the past few years


Gabrielle Claus is now a PhD candidate in Applied Math at UNH.

Gabrielle and I were planning to work together in the summer of 2021 but COVID threw a spanner in the works. In the end, we ran the project online. She successfully computed several invariant solutions in 3D Kolmogorov flow.


Jacob Morra moved to the lab of Mark Daley where he obtained his PhD in 2023 and is now active as a postdoc.

Jacob had already raked up three degrees (math, software engineering and education) when he joined my project with Klick Health. He wrote, tested and maintained the original code that our work, and that of Jaycee and Eric, is based on.


Mei-yu Chen graduated with a degree in Computer Science and is now Data Engineer at Scotia Bank.

Mei-yu Chen helped Yan, Eric, Jaycee and myself develop the software for the project on Continuous Glucose Monitors. As a software engineer, she organised all source code in repositories while following the rules and recommendations of the Research Ethics Board.


Rohit Singh graduated from our physics program and moved to Queen's for his MSc in 2021.

Rohit worked with Jane Breen and myself on simple Markov chain models that reproduce spiking behaviour typically observed in models of neurons or neural masses.